About Us
TMC YACHTING is the Crew Placement Agency in Monaco, dedicated to the Yachting industry.
Our Recruiting Team is made of professionals with strong and solid background in human resources selection, with experience and knowledge of the working procedures and the maritime world.
TMC YACHTING offers a “tailor-made service” to our customer (Yacht Owners, Captains and Managers) to place the right candidate to fill the required vacancy. No racial nor sex discrimination will be considered in our Searching match Criteria, while selecting the right candidate, amongst thousands of yachting professionals included in our wide and up-to-date database. The chosen crew member will be then hired directly by the Employer.
Anyone looking for job can register with TMC YACHTING in order to pursuit a career in Yachting, and find his professional working satisfaction.
The registration on-line is easy, fast, and FREE!
Your sensitive data and personal details will be treated by TMC YACHTING with full respect of international laws.
Looking for crew
TMC YACHTING have a wide database of potential candidates, immediately available, to satisfy yours needs.
We offer a "Tailor-made service" to any customer, to place the right candidate for the required positions. Please complete our Crew Search Form, to help you giving us your searching criteria; by filling the form we collect all precious informations. For complete your request, please fill in and confirm with invoice details our Terms & Condition.
This is the registration form for the Captains, Managers or Owners looking for crew.
TMC YACHTING - Terms and Conditions
TMC YACHTING – Yacht Crew Request Form
Send to: employer@tmcyachting.com
We have a wide variety of exciting yacht crew opportunities
available worldwide.
Contact Us
- Telephone:
- +33 (0)64 8317420+39 347 4585760
- address:
- Monte Carlo House, 31, boulevard des Moulins, 98000 Monaco - MC. By appointment only
- E-mail:
- info@tmcyachting.com